Welcome to my inventory page.
Here's a guide to get you there:
You are preparing to download a PDF file of approximately 2 Megabytes.
The first column is my 5 digits inventory number (STOCK) (it’s useful if you want me to put the coin aside for the next show).
The second column is the type of coin (PIECE):
1$ for Canada one-dollar coin; 50¢ for Canada fifty cents; 25¢; 10¢; 5¢; 1¢ and 2$. ACC for numismatic supplies; PLS for proof-like set.
The third column is the year (ANNEE).
The fourth column is the abbreviation of the variety (TYPE).
The fifth column (in english) and the sixth column (in french) is the description of the coin (MEMO).
The seventh column is the grading of the coin (GRADE)
The height column is the certification company (CERT) if applicable.
Finally, the ninth column is the selling price (VALEUR).
Also, here's my discount chart for coins:
purchases under $20 no discount
purchases from $20 to $49, 5% off
purchases from $50 to $99, 10% off
purchases from $100 to $249, 15% off
purchases from $250 to $499, 20% off
purchases of $500 or more, 25% off
Also, there's no discount on coins with a red dot.
Also, note that I do not sell coins below metallic (silver) content.
For numismatic supplies, there's a discount on quantities (1, 10, 100, 1000).
And now all you have to do is
click here
to download the inventory file.
If you want to see only the new stock, please
click here
to download the file.
Good research...